Tuesday 3 May 2016

Basic physics of insulators and conductors and types of insulators

Conductors are the materials which permit the flow of current from entire body of the material. The charge can pass from the conductor to the other body connected with the conductor. If any charge is given to the body of the conductor, that charge is transferred to the entire body of the conductor. This distribution of the charge is result of the movement of the electrons.  The charging of the other body with conductor also depends on whether that body is made up of conducting material.

Contrary to this, the insulators are the objects that do not allow the free movement of the electrons through its body. They resist the flow of current or charge through them. In other words, if charge is given to the insulator, the charge will remain at the point of the contact. There is not free flow of electrons in the body of the insulator.

But the role of these insulators is very important in transmission of electricity from generation point to distribution and consumption points.  The conducting materials are always put on the insulator materials. This arrangement is very essential in preventing the spread of charge or electricity from conducting material to surrounding areas. The pin type insulators are secured to the cross arm of the pole. The grove on the top end of the insulator holds the conducting material. The pin type insulators are used in distribution and transmission of electricity current at the voltages up to 33 kV. Beyond this voltage level, the uses of pin type insulator become uneconomical.

Suspension type insulator Porcelain insulators manufacturers in Delhi is used for the transmission of current beyond 33 kV. This insulator is basically consists series of porcelain discs. These discs are conducted by metal links. The conducting material is connected at the bottom end of the string of these discs and upper end of the string is connected with the cross arm of the pole. Each disc is designed for low voltage. And for  total higher voltage, the number of discs can be increased .For example  , if the discs is designed for 11 kv voltage , then for 66 kv voltage , the 6 discs are required .

Suspension insulators have many advantages compare to pin type insulator. They are cheaper for higher voltages. One disc can be replaced and whole string of discs will not become useless. And by increasing the number of discs in the series, the insulator can be made to meet the increased demand of transmission.

Strain insulators Air Break Isolating Switches Manufacturers in Delhi are used to relieve the tension of the transmission line when it passed the sharp curve or is connected at the final end place. The strain insulators are used as vertical suspension insulators for higher voltages .Shackles insulators are used for low voltage distribution lines. They are secured with the poles and can be used in vertical or horizontal positions. Shackles insulators are used as strain insulators at low voltages. 

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